
The Best Page

I told you, I love cats so let me introduce you to mine. 

Here is Watson aka Wat (said like cat), born in June 2011 (pink nose) and Wiggle, born in January 2013 (black nose). Both are indoor only cats. 

Wat's special skills were:

Looking absolutely adorable all of the time
Finding sun patches
Spreading his back toes when he stretches
Sensing when people are sad and loving them
Only liking toys that are fruit or vegetable shaped.

He liked:

Chewing plastic wrappers
Holding his toys like a baby
The colour pink
Being warm - laying on the radiator
Stealing your seat (for the reason above)
Chirruping and being vocal
Drinking from the tap

He disliked:

Loud noises
Being picked up
Having diabetes
Most cat food - He's very fussy
Most cat litter - Again, very fussy
Vehicles driving past the house

Wat sadly passed away on the 11th of October 2020. He was the light of my life and I miss him every single day. He really was the bestest boy.

Wig's special skills:

Having the longest, craziest whiskers
Climbing her cat tree (and the curtains)
Slinking onto your pillow and sleeping on/around your head
Purring every time she sees me or I touch her
Chasing the laser, bugs, mice, pom poms... everything.

She likes:

Making biscuits
Sleeping on me all night
Her climbing tree
Butt tickles
Making a mess
Being grumpy (she grunts and grumbles all the time)
Talking to birds

She dislikes:

Being told no
Getting no attention
The dark. The light has to be on unless there's someone in the room with Kisses
Kisses (but she gets them anyway)

You are welcome.

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